To perform a broad site-wide search enter a word(s) you wish to search for. For example a search for Fire Department will produce search results for any site page that contains Fire and Department.
Wrap your search words in single quotations marks to search for a specific phrase and narrow the search results. For example a search for 'Fire Department' wrapped in single quotations marks will produce results listing site pages which have the exact phrase Fire Department within their page content.
To narrow or broaden your search results use - and/or + with additional keywords. For example a search for Fire -Department will produce results listing all site pages which include the word Fire, but exclude search results which contain Department.
How do I obtain garbage/recycling service?
The Town of Perry participates in a county-wide contract with Waste Management for residential garbage and recycling pick up. The annual fee is included on the Town & County tax bill for each residential property. Garbage...
FREE Electronics Collection
Please click HERE to read the extensive list of materials that are acceptable for recycling and what items will not be accepted. Free Electronics Collection sponsored by Senator Patrick Gallivan. 9:00am until 2:00pm. Rain or shine...